From `28th` to 30th April, 2011, ChinaSigns demonstrated her online purchase experience on the International Sign Expo sponsored by International Sign Association (ISA), USA.
Although the economy of USA has not been completely recovered, all the expo attendees think the scale and prosperity of the expo this year is better than the previous. One of the aspects is attributed to the gradual increase of the LED attendees and the other aspect is the increasing passion of Chinese attendees that amounted nearly a hundred of Chinese companies attended the ISA expo. However, the famous Korean large format printer manufacturer, DGI, presented their LED screen, as a result, we could see LED as advertising media is becoming more popular.
Along with the establishment of our local warehouse in Los Angeles, ChinaSigns is constantly improving her service experience for North American customers. It is the first time for ChinaSigns attending this expo with online mode of sales platform and achieved a great success in which we brought a brand-new mode for customers to experience. At the site of expo, a customer online operated an order of product and paid instantly through his IPAD2. While the customer returned his city after ISA expo completion, he found the product he had purchased online was already delivered to his company. Much early before his arrival!
North America is the most concentrated market of ChinaSigns on clicking ratio and also possesses the most of the customers. For this time ISA expo, ChinaSigns met quite a lot agents / distributors and discussed cooperation and we will provide professional expanded services of e-commerce to them.
Mr. Liu Yanhang, CEO of ChinaSigns with website consultant, Dr. Nicholas.
The site view of ChinaSigns’s warehouse in the USA.
The team of ChinaSigns visited the naval port of San Diego after ISA expo completion.
Recibe gratis actualizaciones, descuentos y ofertas especiales para ganar productos gratis y premios en efectivo , es el mayor proveedor en línea de productos de publicidad en el mundo y especializados en el suministro de una solución integral para los clientes al seleccionar equipos de Publicidad, materiales de consumo articulos publicitarios, productos de publicidad, etc. También el centro de servicio en el extranjero autorizado por la Asociación China de impresión, de inyección de tinta, para lo cual hemos establecido sucursales en el extranjero, en 6 países extranjeros con el fin de brindar un mejor servicio a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo. Nuestros productos cubren todo el campo de la Publicidad y la señalización y todos los productos que suministramos se hacen de conformidad con las normas internacionales de calidad, como resultado de que, en la actualidad, tenemos más de 9000 productos en línea para la venta. Desde que implementamos la compra centralizada, todos los productos se cotizan a precios competitivos. P>